Advanced Analaytics-Based Energy Efficiency Management


  • Mr Pawan Kapoor
  • Dr Anantha Subramanian
  • Dr Jai Acharya
  • Mr Sanjay Verma
  • Mr Anuj Chopra
  • Mr Jairaj Kumar
  • Ms Yogyata Kapoor


Environment, Maritime, Sustainability, GHG, Carbon emissions, Health


The aim of this article is to analyze the GHG emissions and analyze and detect the current possible harm that maritime industry needs to cut back on. The need to move towards a more sustainable future is growing crucial day by day. It has become imminent for the maritime industry to move towards an environmentally friendly path for the growth of the industry and betterment and safety of this planet and us human beings. This article was well constructed after taking points from an HSE session held by IMRC with great masters of our industry.



How to Cite

Kapoor, P., Subramanian V., A., Acharya, J., Verma, S., Chopra, A., Kumar, J., & Kapoor, Y. (2022). Advanced Analaytics-Based Energy Efficiency Management. IIRE Journal of Maritime Research and Development, 6(1). Retrieved from




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