Page No. 1 - 13: Remote Sensing Techniques in Detecting Oil Pollution



Remote sensing data and techniques play an important role to combat and to detect oil pollution from satellite and aerial observations. It is possible to detect the spatial distribution and size of oil pollution using remotely sensed data in an emergency case of any oil pollution disaster. Based on information created from near real time satellite images, it is possible to generate an emergency contingency plan rapidly and support recovery actions. This paper examines the role of remote sensing techniques to detect and combat oil spills, to minimize their impact and to mitigate oil pollution.

Author Biography

Tugsan isiacik colak, Istanbul Technical University

Captain Lecturer



How to Cite

colak, T. isiacik. (2019). Page No. 1 - 13: Remote Sensing Techniques in Detecting Oil Pollution. IIRE Journal of Maritime Research and Development, 1(1). Retrieved from




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