Page NO. 70 - 75: Military activities in Chagos Archipelago: Concerns, Impacts and way forward


  • Anjelina Patrick


Diego Garcia is a highly guarded military base of the United States and strategically situated between East Africa, East Asia, and Southeast Asia, making it a vital outpost for basing US naval forces and projecting air and naval power into the region. In 1966, the United Kingdom signed an agreement with the United States, giving it permission to use the island as a naval base for an initial period of 50 years. This agreement is set to expire in 2016. Unless the UK or the US takes steps to terminate the agreement, it will automatically be extended for a further period of twenty years.The expiry of the initial agreement, brought hope for the islanders, who were forced to flee during the period 1967- 1973, and then denied the right to return to their native land.




How to Cite

Patrick, A. (2019). Page NO. 70 - 75: Military activities in Chagos Archipelago: Concerns, Impacts and way forward. IIRE Journal of Maritime Research and Development, 1(2). Retrieved from




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